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Galvanize Announces DevOpsDays Phoenix and CFP

The second annual Phoenix DevOpsDays will be back in the Valley this October. DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Phoenix is one of more than thirty cities DevOpsDays will visit around the world this year.  Each DevOpsDays event is run by volunteers from the local area.  The conference will feature local speakers as well as high-profile specialists from around the country. This years DevOpsDays Phoenix conference is anticipating over 200 participants.  Join us!

Why go?

DevOpsDays is an amazing opportunity for individuals to engage with their local community as well as to listen to fellow peers trials and triumphs. DevOpsDays offers valuable and relevant knowledge people can bring to the workplace the very next day. DevOpsDays provides more than just individual enrichment.  Teams can quickly build a shared context about new technologies and perspectives that apply to the systems they build and run.  The conference encourages companies to participate and build their Tech brand by sharing stories of what they are building in Phoenix and engage with future team members.


DevOpsDays Phoenix is still welcoming potential speakers to submit proposals through August 14th. If you are interested in speaking at the event, make sure to submit a proposal before it’s too late. DevOpsDays will be featuring talks in beginner, advanced and ‘experience’​ tracks.

Submit Proposals at:

See You There

DevOpsDays Phoenix is not your typical conference. The event will be very interactive, allowing individuals to engage with others in the community to share stories, get advice on ideas and or current challenges from local peers. DevOpsDays welcomes individuals who are involved in creating or managing technical solutions in any industry, from Security, Management, Developers and everything in between.

DevOpsDays Phoenix is on Tuesday, October 23, 2018. The event will be held at Galvanize, 515 E Grant St Phoenix, AZ 85004.

Tickets are available at:

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