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5,000+ tips for Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship goes hand-in-hand with innovation. It’s no secret that entrepreneurs possess the innate ability to produce new ideas, provide creative solutions and pioneer new products. The most successful entrepreneurs in the world are not simply the hardest working people, they happen to be the most innovative people.

From Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla to Richard Branson and Mark Cuban, one pronounced trait among innovative thinkers is the ability to perceive meaningful patterns within random data. Intentionally looking for patterns and drawing connections enables creative thinkers to spot potential innovations. And while they are looking for patterns, the rest of us are searching for more insightful slices of wisdom, informative checklists and tidbits of knowledge.

Jim Jindrick, director of corporate engagement at the University of Arizona – Research, Discovery & Innovation, just so happens to be the curator of, a carefully selected list to help brighten the path for innovators and entrepreneurs racing to create something new and better.

It’s clear that Jindrick can hold his own when it comes to innovation. He has received 44 U.S. and international utility patents for innovations in smart-grid electric power distribution automation controls, automotive test and diagnostic equipment, and personal computer instrumentation systems.

So when you need some inspiration or a little break from what you’re doing, visit for a few quick words of encouragement, humor and whimsy or expert advice from wise sages. You don’t have to read all the tips all at once, and you don’t have to read them from beginning to end. Start and stop anywhere you like.

In conclusion, skilled innovators and entrepreneurs are looking for opportunities in problems [Tip #24]. Innovators create something new and better, entrepreneurs put that something new and better to work [Tip #27]. Mostly importantly, there is no right way to do the wrong thing. [Tip #11: Thank you, Waylon Jennings.]


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