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Use your voice to make a difference: Tell Congress to include trade associations in the Paycheck Protection Program

Make your voice heard: Advocate for future legislation to assist associations

How you can continue to help on the advocacy effort

The House and Senate are currently negotiating additional funding in response to COVID-19. While associations are included in some of the recently passed CARES Act’s programs, many trade and professional associations are experiencing severe revenue losses during the current pandemic and unfortunately were excluded from the beneficial Paycheck Protection Program.

Associations need more support to weather the uncertainty of the COVID-19 health crisis. Not sure where to begin? We have you covered! To reach out to Congress regarding the Paycheck Protection Program for trade associations, below are some user-friendly links where you can find sample templates, verbiage and resources. 

Write Congressional leadership and your legislators using ASAE’s template correspondence. Please customize as much as possible to include:

  1. how your organization benefits workers and the economy;
  2. how COVID-19 has impacted your organization; and
  3. if applicable, any lobbying expense data to counteract the misconception amongst some on Capitol Hill that associations are primarily lobbying organizations. To send an automated message to your legislator, use ASAE’s grassroots campaign

Send us your stories. Many of you have already sent us extremely valuable data and anecdotes, but we need more. Please send a paragraph or two, with any helpful data points or figures, to[email protected] at your earliest convenience.

Post on social media and include your legislators. Use ASAE’s template social media messaging and list of Congressional social media accounts to write your legislators directly. 

We are making progress – thanks in large part to your unwavering advocacy – and these critical actions will help grow our support in Congress. For questions, email [email protected].

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