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Guest blog post: Creating effective websites for B2B tech companies

In the evolving world of B2B tech, a modern website that evolves alongside your business is essential. Yet creating an effective website can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with complex technical products or services. Read on for the key features of impactful B2B tech company websites that will ensure your site meets the needs of your target audience.

Use Strong Call to Action (CTA) Buttons 

CTA buttons are a crucial part of any website, particularly in B2B tech. For them to be effective though, they need to stand out in the website design. Today, many B2B websites use brightly colored buttons to boost conversions. These CTA buttons often contrast with the rest of the website’s color scheme and use the same verbiage throughout the site.

For example, if the main CTA you want a user to take is to “Contact Sales,” use that same language throughout the site in a recurring button style. This establishes a consistent look and helps direct users’ attention to the primary action you want them to take.

Incorporate Subtle Secondary CTAS 

A secondary CTA motivates website visitors to take a different action when they’re not quite ready to commit to the primary CTA. Even though it’s a secondary desired action, it plays a vital role in B2B website design, because these secondary actions often bring visitors closer to the primary conversion goal.

The best tech website designs usually position them alongside the primary CTA in the homepage hero section and throughout the site. They typically have a less bold button design but still complement the primary CTA button style.

Some common secondary CTAs for B2B tech websites include “See Pricing,” “See Plans,” and “Try Free.” 

Write Concise H1 Homepage Copy

Your website’s homepage hero section is often visitors’ first impression of your business, making it a crucial opportunity to create a positive impact. For that reason, it’s important to avoid using unclear content or too much technical jargon that may confuse users. Instead, you want to clearly state what your company does and who for, so that users instantly understand how you can solve their problems. When the copy aligns with users’ goals, it encourages them to explore more of the site.

Organize Information with Color Blocking  

Color blocking is a B2B website trend that offers both visual appeal and improved site organization. It involves using different colors to distinguish page sections, which is an effective technique for drawing attention to crucial information and creating a clear hierarchy of content. Additionally, it can help ensure ADA compliance, a growing concern for many companies. This is because creating a high contrast between foreground and background colors makes it easier for users with visual impairments to navigate and read a website.

Validate Website Visitors Using Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful tool used in B2B tech website design that can help increase credibility, trust, and conversion rates. That’s because people often look to others to determine what is correct, popular, or trustworthy. A common social proof section on tech websites features the logos of past and current clients who have used the product. Many companies place these logos just below the homepage hero section, emphasizing their value in tech website design. 

Another popular social proof section is a data or stats section highlighting a platform or product’s success when implemented by users. Since metrics are an effective way to show value, include this on your homepage to help potential customers quantify results.

Feature Product Screenshots or Mockups 

When applicable, it’s wise to tease your product by using screenshots. Showing how your product works can build trust with customers and make your company look more confident in what it has to offer. Additionally, this can help differentiate your product from competitors since you can highlight unique features. If your product doesn’t match your new website branding, you can request that your design team creates branded representations of your product instead. 

Structure Your Navigation for User Experience    

Well-structured navigation is crucial for tech sites, as it enables users to easily access information. Using concise language that users expect to find is key to making this valuable real estate as effective as possible. It’s important to avoid jargon and not overwhelm users with too many navigation items. Many B2B tech websites use between four and six menu items, which include links to common pages like Products, Solutions, Pricing, Platform, and Resources. 

Look to the Marketing Funnel for Website Content

A successful website goes beyond just being visually appealing and easy to navigate. It must also provide content that addresses the needs of its target audience throughout the customer journey. To do this, it’s important to think about the marketing funnel. The marketing funnel is a framework used to describe the customer’s journey from awareness to purchase.

At the top of the funnel, potential customers are just discovering a product or service, so the content must be educational and informative. On a website, top-of-funnel content could be a blog or resources center that speaks to your industry.

As consumers move down the funnel, they become more interested in specific features or solutions, so content should be tailored to their interests and needs. This is when dedicated Products, Solutions, and Integrations pages come into play.

Finally, at the bottom of the funnel, customers are ready to buy. Bottom-of-the-funnel content should focus on making the sale and providing a seamless buying experience, like Support & Documentation, Pricing and FAQs pages.

Need a Redesign of Your B2B Tech Website? 

Motion Tactic is a B2B website design agency specializing in creating effective websites. Schedule a consultation to learn more about the website design process that gets results for tech companies. 


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