PMP (Project Management Professional) Certification Preparation Course


With hundreds of thousands of Project Management Professionals worldwide, the Project Management Institute’s certification program is now a standard across all industries. Becoming a certified Project Management Professional (PMP)® involves meeting certain education and experience requirements, and passing a 200-question exam.

The key to passing the exam is to understand the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) view of project management. This means reviewing and understanding PMI’s Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), but also becoming familiar with how PMI expects project managers to apply that knowledge. In most cases, this requires PMP-candidates to become familiar with new concepts during their PMP exam preparation, and/or to “unlearn” practices that they have picked up over the years.

This course provides a solid PMP prep foundation – we present and explain all the concepts you need to know. While other PMP training courses focus on last-minute cramming to prepare you for the exam, we assume you actually want to learn something from your PMP education. No pre-reading is required before taking our course, but you should be prepared to study the materials we provide – it’s a closed book exam.

Course participants should be familiar with the certification process, and meet the PMP experience requirements prior to attending. You should also be reasonably familiar with modern project management techniques, as advocated by PMI, and be planning on sitting for the exam within a couple of months of completing this course.

The course is offered on an open-enrollment basis at our Project Management Education Center in Bellevue, WA, (which also serves Seattle, Olympia, Redmond, Renton, Everett, and Tacoma), as well as at our Project Management Education Center in Tucson, AZ (which also serves the Greater Phoenix area, Oro Valley, and Sierra Vista / Fort Huachuca), and other select locations such as Grand Cayman. We also provide it on an on-site basis anywhere in the world.

PMP Prep Course Objectives

By the end of the course you will :

*Understand PMI’s approach to project management.

*Understand how the PMP exam is structured, and what kinds of questions will be asked.

*Be very familiar with all sections of the PMBOK® Guide.

*Possess various tricks, tips, techniques, and templates to help you retain information for the exam.

PMP Prep Course Details

*Length: 40 hours.

*Style: This interactive course is includes Rita Mulcahy’s, “PMP Exam Prep” text, a widely used PMP certification training tool. While participant input is encouraged, the focus of the course is kept on PMP exam preparation. The course meets the PMP certification training requirement of 35 hours of formal training.

*Texts: Participants receive a copy of the Rita Mulcahy text, a copy of the PMBOK® Guide, and a course participant’s manual/binder.

*Format: Classroom. No computers required.

*Prerequisites: PMP certification experience requirements, familiarity with modern project management techniques.

PMP Exam Prep Course Content

*Introduction and Expectations

*The Exam and Exam Techniques

*Project Management Framework

*Integration Management

*Stakeholder Management

*Scope Management

*Schedule Management

*Cost Management

*Quality Management

*Resource Management

*Communications Management

*Professional and Social Responsibility

*Risk Management

*Procurement Management

(Read more…

Bellevue Project Management courses:

Tucson Project Management courses:

Grand Cayman Project Management courses:

Online Project Management Courses:

For continuing course updates with regard to the Covid 19 pandemic, please visit


310 S. Williams Blvd.
Suite 160
Tucson , Arizona 85711


Key Consulting Project Management Education Center


May 18, 2020
May 22, 2020


8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily


