Fast Pitch Tucson



Fast Pitch inspires and engages all of Tucson in the process of creating positive change. Philanthropy is a vehicle to create change and nonprofits are creating solutions to our most critical needs. Together, we are building a future where our nonprofit communities are resilient, have resources to thrive, and are strengthened by the power of relationships.

The Fast Pitch Program is a tried and true method of cultivating donor relations and increasing nonprofit exposure, while training nonprofit leaders on how to pitch their organization’s mission, model, results, and their “ask.” Throughout our training program, 10 nonprofit leaders hone their ideas and improve their fundraising and messaging skills through structured learning sessions, practice clinics, mentorship, and coaching.


Today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.

The social issues that SVP Tucson has been working to solve since our inception are caused by deeply rooted systems of power imbalance, racism, and oppression. Today, and every day, we are committed to healing and uniting our community.

We will never back down or look away from the critical issues that divide us. We build bridges and we are relentless in our efforts to create a future that provides equality for ALL people.

Fast Pitch 2022 will catalyze resources, relationships, awareness, and capacity for the organizations that are poised to have significant impact in Southern Arizona. We acknowledge that growth requires change, and we are committed to transformation. 

The 10 nonprofit organizations that were accepted in our 2022 program met ONE or more of these areas of focus: : 

  • *NEW* Utilize a 2-Gen approach
    • To learn more about 2-Gen and SVP’s Impact Goal, click here
  • Serve historically marginalized, under-served or under-resourced communities or populations
  • Actively work to promote social justice, including racial and gender justice
  • Support people who are experiencing health (mental or physical), financial, or educational adversity as a result of COVID-19 


One person can change a life. Imagine what Fast Pitch can do.

As a bridge between nonprofits and philanthropy, we use our influence to facilitate deep and meaningful connections. We know that relationships inspire individuals, create community change, and build robust, resilient ecosystems.

Fast Pitch 2022 features increased donor connections, enhanced opportunities for nonprofits to connect and collaborate, and a strengthened mentorship program to support nonprofit leaders during the training program. 


How much better would the world be if nonprofits had what they needed?

Our community is full of incredible resources to help nonprofits thrive. This year we have strengthened our training program, increased nonprofit visibility, and doubled down on our commitment to help nonprofits get the resources they need most. In addition, we made a promise to put money directly into the hands of nonprofits. During our main event pitch showcase, we’re giving out $100,000 on-stage and each of our nonprofit participants will take home a cash prize! 


Strengthening nonprofits creates a healthier community.

Nonprofits play a vital role in building healthy communities and provide critical services to our most vulnerable populations. Resilience is a process that takes maintenance to foster. For nonprofits, resilience means practice, preparation, and being stable enough to meet crises and adapt so that they can continue to provide their highly needed services. Nonprofits fill the gap where government support does not reach, and the most vulnerable populations rely on the agility of these nonprofits. We see the need and we are dedicated to helping nonprofits build resilience. Together we can build a stronger, more impactful Tucson.  

Click here to get involved!


1670 E Drachman Street
Tucson , AZ 85721


Health Sciences Innovation Building (HSIB)


March 31, 2022


5:00pm -7:30pm MST


Virtual $25; In-Person $75
