Certified Associate in Project Management Prep Course (Live Online)


While the Project Management Professional (PMP®) credential is targeted at experienced project managers, the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) does not require previous project management experience. The CAPM eligibility requirements are:

  • High school diploma, associate’s degree, or global equivalent Plus
  • 23 hours of formal project management education

Having satisfied the eligibility requirements, a CAPM-candidate must sit a 3-hour 150 question exam. The exam tests the candidate’s knowledge of the Project Management Institute’s (Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)). Upon successfully passing the exam, the candidate becomes a CAPM for a period of five years. At the end of the five year period the individual must re-take the CAPM exam to retain their CAPM designation.

The key to passing the exam is to understand the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) view of project management. This means reviewing and understanding PMI’s PMBOK® Guide, but also becoming familiar with how PMI expects project managers to apply that knowledge. In most cases, this requires CAPM-candidates to become familiar with new concepts during their preparation, and/or to “unlearn” practices that they have picked up over the years.

Who should take this CAPM Prep course?

Individuals wishing to obtain an international credential demonstrating an understanding of the fundamental, best practice, project management knowledge defined in the PMBOK® Guide.
Entry level individuals wishing to enter the project management profession.
Individuals looking to advance their standing as project management subject matter experts.
Individuals working in support of a project management office.
Project stakeholders intending to serve as a sponsor, facilitator, liaison, or coordinator.
Project managers desiring a professional certification, but lacking the experience for the PMP certification.
Part-time project managers looking to formalize their project management skill-set and be recognized for their project management knowledge.

Where is this course offered?

The course is offered on an open-enrollment basis at our Project Management Education Center in Bellevue, WA, (which also serves Seattle, Redmond, Renton, Everett, Federal Way, and Tacoma), as well as at our Project Management Education Center in Tucson, AZ (which also serves the Greater Phoenix area, Oro Valley, and Sierra Vista / Fort Huachuca), and other select locations such as Grand Cayman. We also provide it on an on-site basis anywhere in the world.

CAPM Exam Prep Course Objectives

By the end of the course you will :
Understand PMI’s approach to project management.
Understand how the CAPM exam is structured, and what kinds of questions will be asked.
Be very familiar with all sections of the PMBOK® Guide.
Possess various tricks, tips, techniques, and templates to help you retain information for the exam.

CAPM Prep Course Details

Length 40 hours
Credits 40 Professional Development Units (PDUs) (Fulfills the 23 contact hour requirement for the CAPM.)
Prerequisites None
Availability On-site at your location and select public locations
Style Instructor-led, using PowerPoint presentations, facilitated discussions, individual and group exercises.
Format Live online, interactive.

CAPM Preparation Course Content

Introduction and Expectations
The CAPM Exam and CAPM Exam Prep Techniques
Project Management Framework
Integration Management
Stakeholder Management
Scope Management
Schedule Management
Cost Management
Quality Management
Resource Management
Communications Management
Risk Management
Procurement Management

(Read more:  http://consulting.ky/courses/capm-certification-preparation-40-hours

Tucson Project Management courses: http://consulting.ky/project-management-training/tucson-project-management-courses

Online Project Management Courses: http://consulting.ky/project-management-training/online-project-management-courses


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310 S. Williams Blvd
Suite 160
Tucson , Arizona 85711


Key Consulting Project Management Education Center


August 30, 2021
September 3, 2021


8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily


