The 2-nd international conference on Urban Transit and Sustainable Networks


UTSN 2nd Edition is about the importance of urban transit and networking system and how can it affect the environment either positively or adversely. This conference will be aimed to solve and provide technical solutions that will help the non-Eco-friendly cities to change into eco-friendly ones.
Transportation is defined as a vehicle which moves people or tools to another place. The issue is how to be environment-friendly while using them.
The use of technology, public awareness, infrastructures, the correct road planning and government rules are topics which will be discussed in this conference as well as the new modeling and planning tools, which are used to design roads.
This conference is aimed at students, researchers, engineers, scholars from all universities worldwide as they are requested to submit their articles to discuss all topics related to transit and its environmental impacts.
At the end of the conference you will:
• Acquire knowledge about the new means of transportation from worldwide transport industries and also learn the successful case studies in automobile.
• Know more about green and sustainable transportation and its role.
• Know how traffic system can be enhanced by using means of plans and technological systems.
• Understand transportation planning trends, Transport modeling, and urban transport simulation.
• Construct sophisticated pedestrian roads.
• Learn how to take advantage of lands appropriately.
• Learn how to solve the pollution and climate change problems.
• Recognize environmental effects with different eco-friendly means of transport.
• Learn about Transport strategies, public transport systems, Transport Safety, and Security Infrastructure.
• Understand more about Transport policy and regulations, with intelligent transport systems.
• How to deal with Electronic mobility and urban space.
• Combine transport systems with green energy.
For more information:
[email protected]


Cairo Governorate
Cairo Governorate
cairo , egypt 25100




November 22, 2018
November 24, 2018


9 AM


