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Strategies to reframe mindsets: Positive leaders are changing the world!

GUEST BLOG:  Michael Beach, Certified Professional Business Coach  |  Michael Beach Coaching & Consulting, LLC

The future depends upon your willingness to believe that you can overcome adversity and solve problems. You need to be upbeat, resilient and you must believe that you can overcome any challenge that comes your way. When you do that, you create the kind of future that you want.

I was speaking at a National Convention for Business Coaches not too long ago, and in my remarks I pointed out how crucial it is for us as leaders and coaches to help others to remain constructive and to avoid getting bogged down in negativity. My talk was designed to help the coaches to master some particular coaching techniques, but my opening and closing lines had a lot to do with the critical imperative to coach clients and lead associates from a position of great positivity. Several of the participants came up to me after my talk, and wanted to discuss my encouragement to them, which was really more of a challenge to insist upon positivity from their clients. One fellow told me that until that day, he’d never realized how important it was for him to reframe his clients mindsets from defeatism and negativity and upstream to positivity. I was pleased, to say the least, to have struck a chord with so many outstanding coaches and business advisors. You see, there really is nothing quite as powerful and enabling as positivity in business. 

If You Can’t Do This, Not Much Else Matters  
The culture we create as leaders in a business sculpts how others will see the organization, and it will guide the decisions they make, the conversations that they have, and the behavior they choose to bring to the game. You have to make up your mind whether you want to tolerate negativity and pessimism in your organization, or whether you’re going to let everybody know that you believe in proactivity and positivity. Optimism works, by opening people up to possibilities, and your people will always take their cue from you, that it is safe to be creative and constructive. When associates are pessimistic and downbeat, you need to send a clear message that it’s OK to be down for a moment or two, but that you can’t make a habit of it, and you cannot let that kind of thinking go viral. The future depends upon your willingness to believe that you can overcome adversity and solve problems. You need to be upbeat, resilient and you must believe that you can overcome any challenge that comes your way. When you do that, you create the kind of future that you want. The viral nature of positivity and optimism is powerful, let it spread. Do that, and people will follow you to victory after victory.  Fail to do that, and you will taste victory less and less. 

Think About How You Want Others To Recognize You  
Every one of us has a personal brand. We can have a positive and professional personal brand that leads others to want to associate with us, or we can develop a brand that says we’re not to be trusted. Which values define YOU? Don’t leave your personal and professional brand to chance. Be certain about the way you want to position yourself as a person to be trusted and counted upon to be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Live your values day in and day out with the people around you, and they will undoubtedly conclude that you have a strong and powerful Executive Presence. Remember that the critics are not the ones changing the world for the better, and they’re not the ones taking the Arizona Technology Industry to the stars, the people who are making a difference and making the world a better place are the ones taking the risks and believing that they can succeed . The believers are the ones leading  their teams to success. 

It’s Not Just About You  
Put your energies and your effort into building and constructing a better future via technology. In addition, realize that you are not alone. As a leader in this industry, you have a fantastic opportunity to influence dozens or hundreds of people around you. When you become a positive and transformational leader, you must realize that not only do YOU become more effective and have greater impact, but simultaneously, you raise the level of performance and influence of nearly everyone around you. Positive leadership makes everyone around you stronger, smarter, better and faster over time. See things from a positive mindset, one that expects achievement and success, and pass that along to the people around you in your organization. When you anticipate victory and prepare for it diligently, it becomes more likely that you will taste it. Encourage your team, encourage the people you interact with on other teams. Talk yourself out of negative ideas and into hopeful and positive visions of a better future. Remember that your ripple effect is most likely far greater than you realize in the moment, and those positive ripples can go on and on and on and on….

Conclusion: Be a powerful and positive influencer
You can do it! Each one of us has the potential to make a profound difference in our own lives, and more importantly, we have a golden opportunity to have a significant positive impact on the lives of a great many others. You have to be steadfast and you have to be clear as you let your associates know what you value. You have to be very careful about how you want to be seen and recognized by the people around you. Be a powerful and very positive influencer of yourself and others, and see what happens. It’s the positive and transformational leaders who are changing the world for the better. Get into a position out front, leading positive and transformational change. Help your team to help make this industry as strong as it can be. Help your organization to make the world a better place.



Michael is the CEO and Founder of Michael Beach Coaching & Consulting, an Arizona Technology Council member. Michael’s passion is helping others to bring out the best in themselves and while they’re doing that, to also bring out the best in everyone around them. Michael’s company has a team of outstanding leadership development and business coaches and the firm has offices in Tucson and in Minneapolis. To learn more about Michael Beach Coaching & Consulting, LLC, visit or email [email protected].


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