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iSolved Business Strategies: Do’s and Don’ts for Remote Performance Reviews

As a member of the Arizona Technology Council, you have greater access to iSolved, a valued partner you can trust to deliver management processes including payroll, HR and benefits. With its flexible and intuitive human capital management, over 100,000 employers trust iSolved.

Visit December’s Preferred Business Partner, iSolved online at to better manage all of your workforce management processes—payroll, HR, time and benefits. Arizona Technology Council members are eligible to receive up to 20% off of payroll services with iSolved.

The perfect fit for small-to-mid-sized companies, iSolved provides human capital management solutions to not only navigate today’s business compliance maze, but to also efficiently handle complex workforce management needs.

As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue rippling through nearly every industry, standard business activities like employee performance reviews may start to look a little different. There are some important considerations to keep in mind when undertaking remote performance reviews, including which approaches to take and avoid and how to accurately measure performance during this uncertain time.

Given the severity of the pandemic’s economic impact, don’t expect to apply last year’s benchmarks to your upcoming remote performance reviews. Instead, discuss these key performance indicators in the context of your business’s results over the past few quarters.

As Harvard Business Review pointed out, many schools have temporarily dismissed grading systems as students’ lives and studies have been disrupted. Similarly, employers can consider putting a hold on any traditional rating systems for the time being.

Instead, shift the conversation to important soft skills such as:

  • Resilience
  • Adaptability
  • Leadership
  • Proactiveness
  • Emotional intelligence

While annual performance reviews might typically be the time to crack down on underperformers, it can be more productive to remain compassionate and empathetic this time around. The disruption caused by sending employees into an unexpected work-from-home situation may be impacting job performance. Other complicating factors—from impromptu homeschooling to the nation’s ongoing civil unrest—are surely compounding these problems.

Rather than issuing a stern warning, work to understand what’s holding back your poor performers and establish a plan to help get them back on track.

With employees anxious about the possibility of losing their jobs or witnessing their company going under, it’s important to offer plenty of praise to strong performers and those who have adjusted well during the transition to remote work. Even those who managed to deliver average results during this unprecedented time deserve recognition.

During remote performance reviews, showing your staff that their efforts are appreciated can help provide some peace of mind and a sense of security—even as the future remains uncertain.

When working in an office setting, managers can more readily keep tabs on their team members’ performance without explicitly setting up a formal review. But Fast Company warned that employers can easily lose touch with teams and employees when they switch to remote work.

Rather than waiting for the big annual performance review, Fast Company advised scheduling regular one-on-one check-in conversations with staff. These help managers stay in the loop and speak with their team members about everything from day-to-day matters to longer-term career goals.

Issuing employee pulse surveys from time to time is another way to quickly assess challenges, concerns, morale and sentiment. To cope with the extraordinary circumstances necessitating remote performance reviews and other shifts in the workplace, companies will need extraordinary tools and solutions moving forward.

About isolved
isolved is an employee experience leader, providing intuitive, people-first HCM technology. No matter the industry, we help high-growth organizations employ, enable and empower their workforce by transforming employee experience for a better today and a better tomorrow. For more information, visit





The Council’s Preferred Business Partners program provides significant discounts on the products and services technology businesses need most. Don’t waste valuable time collecting quotes around town—we’ve done that for you. Visit December’s Preferred Business Partner, iSolved online at to better manage all of your workforce management processes–payroll, HR, time and benefits. Arizona Technology Council members are eligible to receive up to 20% off of payroll services with iSolved. Learn more about the Arizona Technology Council’s Preferred Business Partner program and to see the distinguished  partner companies that provide high-quality products and services with highly reduced prices solely for AZTC members. 



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